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  • Lomax Jr High Library Services
Open Daily: 8:00 a.m.-4:15 p.m.

The Lobo Library is a great place to find the latest fiction books or work on research projects.  I encourage students to visit often. Students are allowed to visit on a pass at any time during the school day and each ELA class will visit the library bi-weekly. 

Please see links for book talks, research tools, search engines, award-winning books, and the LXJH Library Catalog.

Susan Roger, Library Aide

Library Procedures

  • Library books are checked out for (2) two weeks.  Students may renew books for an additional (2) two weeks if another student is not waiting for the book.
  • If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the book will need to be replaced. 
  • Students with overdue books will not be able to check out additional books until the books are returned or replaced.

Library Rules

  • Students must speak quietly.
  • Students should return books on time.
  • Students must respect all staff, teachers, visitors, and other students.
  • Students should keep library books clean, dry, and protected from pets.
  • No horseplay or food is allowed in the library.